Prof. dr. ir. arch. Andrew Vande Moere is a Professor in Design Informatics at the Department of Architecture at KU Leuven in Belgium. He conducts design-oriented research about the architectural potential of emerging technologies.
After graduating as an Architectural Engineer from KU Leuven university, he acquired a post-graduate degree from the Information Architecture (previously called CAAD) research group at the Department of Architecture of ETH-Zurich. During his PhD at ETH-Zurich (2004), he developed interactive data visualizations for tele-immersive virtual reality environments. As a Lecturer and then Senior Lecturer at the Design Lab of the The University of Sydney (USyd), he became the Program Coordinator of the Master Degree in Electronic Arts (M.IDEA). In 2010, he returned to his alma mater KU Leuven, where he now co-directs the research group Research[x]Design (RxD).
By combining knowledge from design and computer science, his research contributes to human-computer (HCI), human-robot (HRI), and human-building (HBI) interaction. Exploiting the latest technological advancements in data science, artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, Internet of Things (IoT), and augmented and virtual reality, the generated knowledge aims to inform future developments of smart spaces, buildings and cities, media architecture, interactive/responsive/adaptive architecture, digital fabrication and construction, and many other application domains.
Some innovations from his research have been valorised in terms of the university spin-off Citizen Dialog Kit, an award-winning interactive media architecture installation called MUURmelaar, and an award-winning fabrication technique called “Robotics Serendipity”, among many others.