Towards an Inclusive Approach to Built Heritage Values
This interdisciplinary project aims towards an inclusive approach in conservation of the historic
architecture and urban environment. By studying how disabled people interact with built heritage, it aims to improve their relation with heritage and its values. Moreover, the insights gained will allow to further enhance built heritage’s perception and relation with society at large, contributing to its socially sustainable conservation in which means of engagement with the historic built environment and its values are provided for all people, to the greatest extent possible. It is a PhD project supported by the Université de Liège and conducted by Negin Eisazadeh under supervision of Claudine Houbart (Université de Liège) and Ann Heylighen, in collaboration with Pierre Hallot and Thomas Coomans de Brachène.
- Eisazadeh Otaghsaraei, N., Heylighen, A., Houbart, C. (2024). The potential of disability experiences for heritage: Lessons learned through collaboration with user/experts. Protection of cultural heritage, (18 (2023)), 61-82.
Eisazadeh Otaghsaraei, N., Vermeersch, P., Heylighen, A., Houbart, C. (2023). Informing heritage conservation through experiences of diverse bodies and minds. The case of Stadhuis Leuven. Presented at As Found: Experiments in Preservation, Hasselt.
Van de Bemdt, L., Eisazadeh Otaghsaraei, N., Heylighen, A. (2023). Caring for human diversity and built heritage through design: A multiple case study enquiry. In: Connectivity and Creativity in times of Conflict. Cumulus Conference Proceedings Antwerp 2023, (651-655).
Van de Bemdt, L., Heylighen, A. (contr.), Eisazadeh Otaghsaraei, N. (contr.) (2022). Afstudeerwerk - Built heritage meets inclusive design. Identifying challenges and strategies through a multiple case study enquiry. Bulletin KNOB, 121 (2022) (2), 4-4. doi: 10.48003/knob.121.2022.2.748
Eisazadeh Otaghsaraei, N., Heylighen, A., Houbart, C. (2020). Cité Miroir. Reflections on Disabled Persons’ Experience. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Docomomo Conference - Inheritable Resilience: Sharing Values of Global Modernities. Tokyo (Japan).
Eisazadeh Otaghsaraei N., Heylighen A., Houbart C. (2018). Learning from disabled people about qualities and obstacles in historic cities. The case of Liège. In: Acta Geographica Lovaniensia. Presented at the 6TH UNESCO UNITWIN CONFERENCE 2019: Value of heritage for tourism, Leuven, 08-12 Apr 2019.
- Eisazadeh N., Houbart C., Hallot P., Heylighen A. (2017). The Potential of Digital Tools and Technologies in Architectural Heritage Research for an Inclusive Approach to Built Heritage. Presented at the Interdisciplinary Conference on Digital Cultural Heritage, Berlin, 30 Aug-01 Sep 2017.