Care(ful) Research for Care(ful) Design
The material environment has a significant impact on patients’ wellbeing and therefore on their healing process. Whereas designers, architects and hospital boards are convinced of this impact, they often lack accessible data to gain nuanced insights into patients’ and other users’ spatial experience.
The project aims to transfer experiential user data (video material, pictures, and stories) collected in care environments to designers, architects, product and service designers, manufacturers and hospital boards. Enabling them to use these data should result in the development of spaces, product or services that take into account the rich experiences of patients and other hospital users.
To make the data easily accessible the project investigates which type of (online) platform is most suitable to collect and disclose the available data considering their specific experiential character.
- Annemans, M., Heylighen, A. (2020). Productive interactions to exchange knowledge in healthcare building design. Building Research And Information.
Annemans, Margo, Stam, Liesbeth, Coenen, Jorgos, Heylighen, Ann (2017).Informing hospital design through research on patient experienceDesign Journal; 2017; Vol. 20; pp. S2389 - S2396.
- Annemans, Margo, Stam, Liesbeth, Coenen, Jorgos, Heylighen, Ann (2017).How do space and information technology affect patients’ waiting experience in an ambulatory centre?Design4Health, 4-7 December 2017, Melbourne.
- Annemans, Margo, Stam, Liesbeth, Coenen, Jorgos, Heylighen, Ann (2017).How can research on patient experience inform hospital design? A case study on improving wayfinding
- ARCH17 - 3rd international conference on architecture, research, care and health; 2017; pp. 345 - 357.