RxD wins Golden Henry van de Velde Award in category “Craft”
The ongoing research on the robotic fabrication of undesignable material expressions was able to win a Henry van de Velde Award in category “Craft”. The Henry van de Velde Award is the most prestigious Design and Innovation prize in Belgium, and our project “Robotic Serendipity” was awarded with the “Golden” model, the first prize in this category.
The winning project is based on the Master thesis work of ir. arch. Lie Bormans, as she developed a robotic system that is able to scratch carton board panels so that each scratch is slightly different, yet still controllable. These carton board panels were then used as lost formwork for the stamped concrete facade. This construction technique can be applied successfully and economically in a real architectural context, as shown by the reconversion of the St. Annakapel in Dentergem, designed by DMOA Architects.