Scenario-Based Design with Care Organisations

As part of the enable² project (‘20-‘23) and in its follow-up Research[x]Designers have conducted research commissioned by care organisations acting as clients for new construction projects. This collaboration takes place in an early phase of new-build projects, with the researchers playing a bridging function between the client and current building use on the one hand, and the architect and future scenarios on the other. Through observations, interviews and visual methods, Research[x]Design investigates how space is experienced from diverse perspectives and does research on site with the residents and staff, parents and neighbours. The outcome is a persona-set which is used in scenario-based design workshops in which we work with the architects and client to assess and develop the designs.

In the context of Cirkant’s building plans for a site accommodating residential youth care, Pleuntje Jellema and Piet Tutenel set up and supervised a participatory scenario-based design process by mapping and summarizing experiences of residents and staff in personas and scenarios (2022-‘23).

For Centrum Ganspoel, Pleuntje Jellema and Peter-Willem Vermeersch are doing something similar for a building project planned to accommodate group homes for people of all ages with vision and multiple impairments (2024).

publications / presentations / master's theses

  • Jellema, P., Tutenel, P., Heylighen, A. (2024). Rigorous and always from the heart: What personas did in the process of designing a youth care facility. CoDesign-International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts.
  • Bijnens, S. (2024). De rol van de materiële omgeving in meer inclusieve eetpraktijken: Participerende observatie in drie leefgroepen met jongeren met een visuele beperking. Leuven: KU Leuven. Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen.

  • Nysten, A. (2024). Ruimte voor begeleiding van jongeren in residentiële jeugdhulp. Leuven: KU Leuven, Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen.

  • Jellema, P., Tutenel, P., Heylighen, A., Coomans, K. (contr.), Vermeersch, P-W. (contr.) Persona-set Residentiële Jeugdhulp. (Toolkit). 26 Sep 2022.

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