Building support

Architecture is increasingly recognised to impact people’s well-being and quality of life. Especially in cancer care facilities, where people are confronted with stress and anxiety, exploiting architecture’s potential is highly relevant. Research suggests that when a cancer care facility is designed with people’s particular needs in mind, the building can indeed lift their spirits and support the care process on multiple levels (e.g., by facilitating relaxation).

With the support of the Fund Suzanne Duchesne and ‘Kom op tegen Kanker’, this project investigates how the experience of people affected by cancer can inform the design of cancer care facilities. Their experience is expected to enhance our understanding of architecture’s potential to improve people’s well-being and quality of life, and to produce findings that can better inform the design of cancer care facilities. The facilities that will be considered include hospitals or hospital wards, but also cancer care centres, accommodations of peer support groups, and palliative care centres.



  • Funding Agency: Fonds Suzanne Duchesne, Kom op tegen Kanker
  • Principal Investigator: Pleuntje Jellema
  • Team Members: prof. Ann Heylighen, Koen Coomans, Margo Annemans, Valerie Van der Linden
  • Duration 2016-03 - 2020-02
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