PhD position at Research[x]Design

Childhood stroke permanently alters the life of children and their families as care continues for many years after stroke onset. Through ethnographic and participatory research, the BUILD CARE project investigates the role of the built environment in the experiences of those affected by childhood stroke, in both informal (i.e. home, neighbourhood, school) and formal (i.e. a hospital, rehabilitation or outpatient clinic) care environments.

As part of the project team, Research[x]Design is hiring a PhD researcher to investigate how these informal and formal care environments support or hinder the everyday life of children with stroke and their families. The PhD will be supervised by prof. Ann Heylighen and prof. Andrea Jelic, and conducted in close collaboration with dr. Pleuntje Jellema.

For this project, which is supported by the European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases, Research[x]Design is fortunate to collaborate with prof. Ruth Heying and prof. Els Ortibus from UZ Leuven, prof. Maja Kevdžija (coordinator) and prof. Anna-Theresa Renner from Technische Universität Wien, prof. Elisabeth Bartha-Doering from Medical University of Vienna, and prof. Gesine Marquardt from Technische Universität Dresden.

Applications are welcome until March 31, 2022.

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