This is the latest news.
Scenario-based design of care(ful) environments
At the launch of the Stynen Academy in deSingel in Antwerp on February 22, Valerie Van der Linden will present our work on scenario-based design as a way to articulate and attend to…
02/2019 -
MUURmelaar wins Media Architecture Award in Animated Architecture
MUURmelaar is an architectural facade in Leuven, Belgium, that translates the physical behavior of passers-by into a dynamic soundscape of intriguing sounds and rhythms. The concept behind MUURmelaar is deeply grounded in…
11/2018 -
New PhD project seeks to close the gap between perceived and measured indoor environmental quality in hospitals
On Oct 1st, Sara Willems starts a PhD project that seeks to close the gap between how indoor environmental quality is perceived and how it is measured. The 4-year project is supported…
09/2018 -
New postdoc project looks into how to design activating healthcare buildings
On Oct 1st, Margo Annemans starts a new research project that looks into how healthcare buildings can be designed so as to contribute to mobilising patients. The 3-year project is supported by an…
09/2018 -
Valerie Van der Linden defends her PhD entitled ‘Articulating user experience in architects’ knowing: Tailoring scenario-based design to architecture’
Valerie Van der Linden cordially invites you to her public PhD defence on Tuesay 29 May 2018 at 2PM in Aula De Molen, Kasteelpark Arenberg 50, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium. The presentation…
05/2018 -
4WUA receives honorary mention at the 2018 FAD prizes
4WUA (Four Wheelchair-User Architects), a book that presents a new architecture – one projected by disabled architects – received an honorary mention at the 2018 FAD prizes, a prestigious prize in Spain. One of the four…
05/2018 -
Intensifying the Real: Architecture and the Construction of Experience
William Feuerman (Office Feuerman and University of Technology Sydney) talks about his recent work in a brown bag lunch seminar on Tuesday, May 22, 12:30-14u, in room KAST 00.29 [directions & access…
04/2018 -
RxD wins best paper award
RxD PhD students Jorgos Coenen and Sandy Claes, under supervision of prof. Andrew Vande Moere, have won the best paper award at the Pervasive Displays conference. The paper titled “The Concurrent Use…